3 Pro Tips For Losing Fat

3 Pro Tips For Losing Fat

It all starts with cleaning out your kitchen. Make no mistake: If food you shouldn’t be eating lurks in your fridge, cupboards, or freezers, you will give in at some point or another. You may think you have willpower of steel, but wait until your leptin levels start dropping and hunger clouds your every waking thought, and a few of your dreams.

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Just like the jury is out on the single best form of cardio training to do, you’ll get mixed opinions on whether fat loss is best achieved through full-body or body-part split training. Full-body workouts increase your metabolism more per workout due to the large amount of muscle mass you hit. They also allow for more total downtime to rest during the week. Split systems have you working out more frequently and still hitting each muscle group with a higher volume for muscle glycogen depletion. Here again, consider combining the two. Whatever you do, you must lift weights to burn major fat. “Lifting weights is most effective for body-fat reduction when it is done correctly,”.

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