To get defined abs, a 8-pack, 6-pack or 4-pack, you need to decrease your body fat percentage. Almost everyone will naturally have a good (not great) set of abs. The reason we can’t see them isn’t because they aren’t big enough, but because they’re enveloped in a layer a fat.

Generally, the body fat percentage at which abs become defined is around 10% body fat for men and 14% body fat for women. The point at which people tend to spot 6pack abs is around 10% body fat for men and 15% for women.


The body fat percentages needed to boast defined abs are quite low, especially for women and not everyone will be able to healthily achieve defined or 6-pack abs. For example, endomorphs naturally carry more body fat than ectomorphs or mesomorphs, and will have to work incredibly hard to get defined abs. Thus, endomorphs should to focus primarily on cardiovascular exercise to reduce body fat percentage. That isn’t to say that you can’t have a body that is firm and toned all over, but only that 6-pack abs are unlikely to be a realistic goal.
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Mesomorphs will find it easiest to sport defined/ 6-pack abs, as they lose fat with relative ease and gain muscle almost effortless. Ectomorphs naturally have a low body fat percentage, and will mainly have to work on targeting and building their abdominal muscles through the exercises below.

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To be crystal clear. You cannot spot reduce. Ab exercises DO NOT target abdominal fat. Ab exercises target the abdominal muscles and make them BIGGER. Therefore, if anything you’re getting bigger and stronger, but not smaller. There is no other way round it. To burn fat – to lose belly fat – you have to do cardiovascular exercise and implement a calorie-controlled diet. However more muscle burn more fat, meaning if you have bigger and stronger abdominal muscle and muscle overall you will burn fat faster.

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