12 Surprising Facts About Press

12 Surprising Facts About Press

Everything you ever wanted to know (and have not yet) about press, beer, baked goods and anything that affects the shape of your abdomen.

But the fact that once again we are talking about the press, no surprise, because it is a hot topic. There are more than a million requests about press in Yandex and Google. But in this article we will cover more than just a coveted six blocks. In fact, these blocks are made from the same cloth – the rectus abdominis muscle – which is divided into sections of dense connective tissue called fascia. The muscles on the sides of your abdomen and press are: oblique muscles help to rotate and tilt the body in different directions. If all this is news to you, then be sure to read the following 11 facts about press that you probably do not know.

You do not have to train press every day
If you routinely perform abdominal exercises, you can overtrain those muscles. Many people are left out, because the strain on muscles 7 days a week and give them time to recover. Focus on quality training media 3-4 times a week.

It is not enough to do exercises
It is also important to mix: a new study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, argues that performance alone, reinforcing the press exercises will not reduce the waist. When the volunteers were doing to 7 exercises 5 times a week, they have strengthened the muscles, but not reduced fat or inches at the waist. To show a clear press, you have to train with resistance (all muscle groups), do cardio and keep a healthy diet.

If you want to have strong abs, you need a strong back
If your press is a star of the show, think of the back, on how to perform the second plan. When it comes to waist circumference, waist factors have the same meaning as belly fat. By compressing the lumbar spine, you will make the waist thinner. In addition, strong loin allow you to do intensive training for the press with less risk of injury. The body can not be developed unilaterally. This is the same as athletes too fond of pumping up the quadriceps and the resulting injury because of weak thigh biceps muscle. If you neglect to train the back, then, first of all, it will be difficult to finish all the quality abdominal exercises, and secondly, you will increase the risk of injury and the need to completely abandon the practice of media recovery. In other words, if you want six-pack press, keep your back in shape!

Some exercises are more effective than other
Many advertisements of various “stores on the couch,” lured by the opportunity to purchase a simulator to get sexy abs. But according to a study conducted in 2001 in the U.S., the most effective abdominal exercises you can do at home with minimal equipment. The researchers tested how the target muscle is involved in the performance of 13 different exercises at the press. It was found that the most effective exercises – a bicycle with a twisting, lifting your knees to your chest and curl-ups on the ball, they load the muscle is greater than 142, 112, and 39 percent respectively, than the traditional twist. If you want to load the lower press, include in its program of reverse twist. It is more effective than traditional 140%.

You should not do some exercises
The same study found exercises that load less heavily the muscles. They were exercises in a special simulator frame-Ab Rocker and twisting with a thrust of his hands behind your head. They loaded the abdominal muscles at 79 and 8% lower, respectively.
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First appearance of a naked man press on the screen caused a sensation
Now it is difficult to imagine the film without nudity. (Do you know the movie where Ryan Reynolds did not find an opportunity to strip and show off the press?). But the first demonstration of the torso on the big screen caused a sensation in Hollywood! When Clark Gable took off his shirt in the movie “One happy night” (1934), say, sales of lower-shirts have fallen sharply.

You may have more fat than you see in the mirror
Fat comes in two types – subcutaneous and splanchnic. The first type is more common, it passes through the body just under the skin. Splanchnic fat lies deep within the body and wraps around the heart, liver and other vital organs. The first type of fat is easy to see, you see it in the mirror and the second type can only be detected during a special study. In fact, you can be slim and have a lot of splanchnic fat. Why this is a problem, read further.

Not all fat is the same
Splanchnic fat is not only difficult to detect, it is also more dangerous. It plays the more likely a substance that can damage the heart and blood vessels and affect the ability of the body to use insulin. A large amount of fat in the abdomen may increase the risk of serious health problems like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, metabolic syndrome, some types of cancers and heart problems. One study even found that splanchnic fat influences cardiovascular health of older women even more than the extra weight. Also, this type of fat affects the mental health: according to one study, people with a high amount of fat in the abdomen, 145% sick bowl dementia than participants who have it less.

Fat in the abdomen may increase the risk of osteoporosis
As women, underweight, are at high risk of osteoporosis, it can be assumed that the more weight the healthy bone. But research presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America has proved that splanchnic fat is associated with reduced bone density in women. (A similar relationship between the bone and subcutaneous fat was not found.)

You can “eat” your way to a flat press
The Spanish study published in the journal Diabetes Care, found that adherence to a diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids can actually help prevent weight gain in your stomach and, more specifically, splanchnic fat. To do this, eat avocados, nuts and olive oil, which also reduces the “bad” cholesterol.

Strong press protects against injuries
The study, conducted by U.S. forces, has found that strong abdominal muscles associated with the prevention of injuries. The researchers observed 120 soldiers for a year and found that those who could do a lot of ups body from a prone position (73 for 2 minutes) during a standard fitness test 5 times less likely to receive lower-body injury, including injury loin than those who were able to make them less than 50. But other major exercise test, as push-ups and 2-mile run, do not show such an effect. Hence, researchers have suggested that the strong muscles of the body play an important role in the prevention of injury than other muscle groups.

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