How To Burn Abdominal Fat

How To Burn Abdominal Fat

You don’t need to spend a dime to tighten and tone thoseabdominals. You only need to understand a few things about the human body.

Body fat is located directly beneath the skin. Do you know where most of the rest of it is? Inside the muscles. Doing crunches will not get rid of this fat, and neither will any vibrating belt in the television ads.

The best way to slim down in the middle is to do plenty of cardiovascular exercise. Some good examples of this are:
walking, jogging, swimming aerobicsbicycling…and high-activity sports like racquetball, tennis and basketball. Anything that brings your heart rate to its training zone and keeps it there for at least twenty minutes conditions your heart and burns fat.

As you lose subcutaneous fat, your skin will become more taut. As the fat within your muscles decreases, you will appear more toned and less flabby.
Don’t be afraid to use weights.
Adding more mass to your muscles, will rev up your metabolism to heights it has never before reached.
Your body fat is like one organ, located throughout your body, and you can’t take it off of just one spot unless you have liposuction done.

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Walking puts all of the abdominal muscles to work. Walk for at least thirty minutes a day to achieve the aerobic effect, and be sure to drink plenty of water.

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Contrary to a popular myth, lifting weights will not bulk you up with muscles that will eventually turn to more fat. They will give you a more feminine and symmetrical shape.

Yoga is equally effective at strengthening the body, especially the abs and back. It improves the posture tremendously, to create a taller, leaner appearance.

The most important thing you need to do is to program yourself mentally. Don’t use a scale to measure your progress. If you work out with weights, you may gain a few pounds while losing inches around the waist.
Walk as tall as you can. Do back and leg stretches daily to improve your posture.

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  1. Posted by bharat, at Reply

    hwo to burn extra fat

  2. Posted by Manjindet Singh Matharu, at Reply

    I’m also very fatty,,,,,,,pl help me to lose d weight,,,,

  3. Posted by bawar, at Reply


  4. Posted by I'm really fat from my belly, at Reply

    Help me

  5. Posted by Simon, at Reply

    Peace be unto you.

    Am a gym Floor Instructor with no qualifications.
    I mostly don’t see my gym Personal Trainers good in doing nor come up with a good workout.

    Please help me to get the meaning of this workout of Cardiovascular.
    My clients love me so I came up with a new workout always.
    Treadmill 10min Intervale
    Stepper 10min with straight up spinal cord
    Eleptical walker 10min on level 4
    Once Circuits in 20reps
    NB// posing in posture is a challenge unto workouts and never locck any join during your workouts.

    No qualified Trainer took me serious
    can you please try this workout and tell me what should I improve.

    Your fitness lover

  6. Posted by lizzy, at Reply

    nice advise will practice to see results.Thanks

  7. Posted by gloria okonji, at Reply

    what about rope skipping?