How To Reveal Your Sixpack

How To Reveal Your Sixpack

Youre diet isn’t properly honed
You can do as many crunches, sit-ups and leg-raises as you like, but your diet has to be just as hardcore as your training. This means lots of protein, less starchy carbs and saturated fats and more of a strict regiment when it comes to when and what you are eating for every meal of the day.
Your body fat percentage isn’t low enough
. The bad news is that if yours is too high your six-pack will be hiding behind a layer of fat for years to come. “If your body fat isn’t around the 10 to 15% mark your abs simply won’t show.
A cheap, quick and effective way of reducing body fat is to accompany all of your meals with green tea. This helps to boost the metabolism and accelerates your body’s break down of fat by 30%. You’re trying too hard
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Your training plan isn’t diverse enough
Do not insult your body’s intelligence by doing the same old moves every time you train your abs. You need to mix it up as much as you can, allowing you to assault your core muscles from all angles, forcing them to adapt and continue to grow. There are just three different types of body movement that effectively work your abs: flexion and extension moves like crunches; rotation exercises like medicine ball twists; and static contraction moves like the plank or hanging leg lifts. The most effective abs workouts will incorporate an exercise from each of these movement types.
You’re neglecting the rectus abdominus
While it is true that compound exercises will indeed work your core research has shown that they elicit very little activation in your rectus abdominus (the main six-pack muscle). In order to get that perfect six-pack that you seek you’ll need to ensure that you are isolating the rectus abdominus at least twice a week.

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