Six Tips for Ripped Six Pack Abs!

Six Tips for Ripped Six Pack Abs!

This is not a magical recipe for a killer set of abs, it is a few simple, to-the-point tips on how to really make it happen with good ol’ fashioned work.

For a real life tips on how to get six packs abs, keep reading below!

1. Step numero uno: Nutrition. Get your diet on track and more than half the battle is already over. You can spend day and night in the gym but without a good diet, you are wasting your time and you will never progress.
YEP, that’s more than half of what you need to do! Does this sound crazy? Probably since there are so many gimmicks out there to buy promising hardcore abs but the truth is, you need to eat better. Solid nutrition will, without a doubt, create solid abs.

2. So where do you start with your diet? Protein. Whenever you are trying to build more muscle anywhere on your body, you need extra protein. Lean protein will help you build those abs and start to shred off the fat that is currently covering your abs now.
So, fill your diet with lean protein including a pre-workout supplement to fuel your workouts and to jump start the muscle building process.

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4. Don’t forget to also eat fattening foods! Healthy fats that is. Olive oil, natural peanut butter, plain nuts, fish etc. all pass the test. Complex healthy fats like these will help you lose weight, boost your metabolism, and help build up your muscles, especially in the belly region.

5. Learn to balance. Learning to eat full complex meals is very important. Lean protein mixed with healthy fats, complex carbs, and leafy green veggies, your body will be on the road to ripped six pack abs in no time. Once you start eating like this you will also have more energy and your body will slowly stop craving all the crap you used to eat.

6. Workout Smart, not hard. Set up a plan that works all of your body parts, not just abs. This will only create more defined abs. You can keep your old ab workouts in your plan but make sure to include your whole body. Also, do cardio! Staying lean requires some cardio.

Those are the six tips that will set you on your way to six pack abs in no time!

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  1. Posted by Fat bell Jonnie, at Reply

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